One of AAA’s most unique features is its purpose-built in an Island. This unique setting, combined with the experience of our instructors, state-of-the-art equipment and standardized course methodology, guarantees a training experience like no other.
The Campus is not just about accommodation. At AAA we believe that in order to optimise academic performance, a cadet must be able to concentrate on the training programme in an ideal environment, whilst enjoying sports and local culture during the free time available.
The AAA – Campus extends aviation training into the residential environment, fostering a greater sense of community by providing cadets, staff and visiting airline representatives with opportunities to share experiences.
All cadets are accommodated in serviced single/twin shared rooms, featuring a private bathroom, Internet and air conditioning.
Every campus facility is just a few minutes walk from each cadet’s own private air-conditioned en-suite bedroom.
At AAA we believe that in order to optimize academic performance, a cadet must be able to concentrate on the training programme in an ideal environment, whilst enjoying sports, local culture and socialising during the free time available.
You may practice many different sports, from football to volley. Enjoy our new gym or relax by the beach.
There are many social events after the training and many things to do at AAA and its surroundings.
AAA campus extends aviation training into the residential environment, fostering a greater sense of community by providing cadets, staff and visiting airline representatives with opportunities to share experiences.
Our students and instructors have an arsenal of 14 aircraft to choose from and 2 simulators. We chose our aircraft after much deliberation. For any business to flourish, the tools of the trade must be fit for purpose, reliable, easy to maintain, cost effective, have a long service life.
Any break in this chain leads to increased costs – costs that are frequently passed on to the client.
AAA is a forward looking company. We are here for the long haul. We are also acutely aware of the global economic pressures that Flight Training Organisations and Airlines are under, Training pilots is not cheap.
However, unserviceable aircraft or expensive maintenance is hardly the responsibility of our clients.
Consequently, a Flight Training Organisation has a duty to provide reliable and cost effective training to the highest standards attainable. Its fleet must have low operating costs, withstand the rigours of a training regime and spare parts must be readily available, both now and in the foreseeable future.
You will see that our aircraft are resplendent in the AAA livery. The appearance is no coincidence. It reflects our entire approach to the training of pilots.
AAA prides itself in having its own theory examination center, lecture facilities, ground school briefing rooms and its in house maintenance facility.
Our theory examination center, allows our students to undertake their theory exams in-house thereby saving time and money on having to visit an external examination facility.
Our dedicated operations buildings are located air-side to provide scheduling and support for all our flights.
The operations team, combined with the experience of our instructors, state-of-the-art equipment and standardized course methodology, guarantees a smooth flow of training and an experience like no other.
• Avionics • Engines • Air frame • Electrical • Tool Store • Paint booth • Flammable • Overhaul
Aircraft safety is our top priority. Our team of highly experienced and trained aircraft maintenance technicians is committed to the highest standards of quality, safety and full compliance with MCAA and EASA regulations and standards. Our friendly staff has developed an effective routine maintenance plan for AAA single and twin-engine piston aircraft.